New Year 2015 formed from sparking digits over black background

A4A : Happpppy Newwww Yearrrrrr!

New Year 2015 formed from sparking digits over black background


Hey guys, I hope you are having a fantastic day!

It’s that time of the year again, a new year is about to begin and it’s time to take new resolutions!

What are yours? Spend more time with your family? Stay fit at the gym? Quit smoking? Help others?

Well this year we have lots of resolutions at A4A, you saw few changes in 2014, but there will be more in 2015!

But most of all, I just want to thank you all for being part of A4A and making A4A the biggest and most popular gay dating/hookup place in the world !

Have a very Happy New Year with friends and family and see you all online!

Big kisses!

Dave and everybody at A4A!

(Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Twitter for great photos, videos and promotions!)

There are 20 comments

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  1. Gentleman

    Happy New Year to all at Adam4Adam and all the men on this site. I hope all you are seeking in the new year may come your way. And those issue which will tag along in the new year will soon fade away.

    I don’t may resolutions… as I never seem to make it past May 😉 I do hope the spirit of the new year may bring steady employment my way in 2015 and one new friend and one old fried my way.

    Wishing you all at A4A and fellow readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year, may the Muse of the New Year bring you all the passion and pleasures you are seeking in 2015

  2. Guy

    My new year resolutions for this and alike sites are:
    Stop giving seconds chances to guys
    Stop seeing a potential Partner in every hookup
    Be more blunt and save each other’s time
    Stop trying to get to know a guy as a person but keep it to a ” hole” status

    Other New Year resolutions;
    Finish my masters. Delete this profile

  3. Bruno

    Just being a wonderful human being, showing and giving love, being compassionate, trustworthy, reflective, giving back to my beloved community, and being hopeful for peace in the world.

  4. Kirt28202

    Happy New Year! May everyone that is single find the love of their life. Please don’t join the gym this month, wait and join in March after everyone has quit their quest to get fit…

  5. WontChangeStillTheSame

    Whoo-Whoo. Happy New Year 2015. Glad to see still over and over, “No Asians” or “No Filipinos” on profile forever. Thanks Gawd I’m not born Asian or Filipino or Black. 😉

  6. Arev

    My resolution for this year?
    To block all these plastic, fake and superficial queens.
    I am better than them. I see beyond their fake masks of fake beauty.
    The real beauty is inside.

  7. Sharpir

    A4A could be so much better if in the messaging for the phone app or just in general if you could send pictures in the messages.. food for thought. HAPPY NEW YEARS everyone

  8. adam

    Resolution: fuck even more guys. Heaven knows, there’s more and mor bottoms out there every day. Happy 2015, you fuckers and fuckees!

  9. gapeach14

    Happy New Year 2015 guys! I say the resolution I know I’ll keep is to make this year more exciting than 2014. Secondly, I want to spend more time with friends and family so traveling is a huge part of that all of my closest friends as are family they all live out of town. Lastly, I want this year to be about creating my own opportunities for career growth as an visual artist in GA. Wish me luck guys! Best wishes to all of you this 2015! May this year be your best yet.

  10. Scarpien

    I personally don’t do resolutions. I just make my plans and work toward making them a reality.
    Happy New Year to all of a4a!

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