
Fitness : Few Tips For A Better Body


Hey guys, many of you send me emails asking me about tips to get a better body. Many of you noticed that I workout a lot and also pay attention to my health and what I eat so I’d like to share some of my tips. These tips won’t make you a fitness model, but can certainly help you eat differently, better food, pay attention to what goes in your belly versus the energy that you spend doing fitness activities.

If you are not into it, simply don’t read it, I don’t wanna read comment like “oh gays are so shallow we should accept ourselves like we are blablabla”!

Tips #1: Drink at least 1 gallon of water every day
Our body is made with 65% of water. Water helps maintain bowel function, helps keeping nice skin, helps get rid of fat etc. Don’t drink soft drinks like coca cola it is sooooo bad for you. SUGAR in your body translate to fat. Cold water for me is the best drink!

Tips #2: To know how many proteins, fats and carbs you should eat, calculate here by entering your age, level of activity etc… You should always eat 1g of protein by body lbs, 0.35g of fat per lbs of body weight and the remaining calories in carbs (go for slow digesting carbs like brown rice).  Track your food for a week or two and you will know exactly what you should cut or what you should add to your meals in order to get everything you need. If you pay attention to all those numbers, I promise you will see a big change in your body.

Tips #3: You should take a multivitamins. In today’s world we don’t always have time to eat perfectly, even myself, I sometimes grab 2 protein bars with a full brocoli for lunch. But you need all your vitamins and minerals, it is very important for your general health (calcium, zinc, vitamins A, B12 etc etc)

Tips #4: Exercise at least 3 times a week. Don’t tell me you don’t have time, because I have 3 jobs and I find time to do it. It takes dedication, yes, but trust me, once you see results, you will appreciate your efforts and you will want more results so you will go more to the gym, you will want to use your bike to go to work, you will go rollerblading with your friends Saturday afternoon, you will hike a mountain on Sunday etc etc.

Tips #5: Track all your weights at the gym. If you do “Arms” on Monday let’s say, write down the dumbbell weight you use for your bicep curls, for your tricep extensions etc etc. Week after week try to use a little more weight, or if it’s too hard, try doing 12 reps instead of 10. For workout routines check out, a great site. There are routines for all levels and every goals.

Tips #6: Fruits are full of sugar. Yes this sugar is better for you, but it is still sugar. Keep that in mind when you calculate you carbs. I love my fruits. I usually eat them when I wake up in the morning or right after the gym or after playing volleyball.

Tips #7: If you eat at the restaurant, order the sauces on the side. That way, it will allow you to dose it and decide if you need that sauce. Sometimes a salad can be as bad as a BigMac because of all the sauce the chef will put in it.

Tips #8: Eat “unprocessed” food. Don’t buy pre-packaged food or anything in a box or “ready to eat” type of food. Go for whole stuff. Chicken breasts, brown rice, fruits and veggies, nuts etc etc. Don’t buy kraft dinners, soup in a can, beef stew in a container, tomato sauce in a jar etc. These processed foods are full of sugar, salt and even some unknown substances that are bad for you.

Tips #9: Prepare you food in advance. I eat lot’s of brown rice because it is the best carb for your body. What I do is I cook a full bag of rice on Sunday and I will have enough for my meals for the week. That way you save time and you eat well all week. You can do the same for your meat if you want and put the containers in the fridge or freezer.

Tips #10: My favorite foods

Proteins : extra lean ground beef, extra lean ground chicken, chicken breasts, inside round beef steak.

Carbs – slow digesting carbs : Brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, – fast digesting carbs :blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, gatorade

Fats: olive oil, almond butter, unflavored coconut oil (for cooking)

Veggies : all green vegetables because they are low in sugar (kale, brocoli, cucumber, salad, etc)


Feel free to leave any questions here, it will be my pleasure to answer them. I will also post once a week about something fitness!

Thanks guys



There are 72 comments

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  1. Scott

    why does everything have to be about how ones body looks? accept people for who they are. the perfect body does not mean your a good person. i have found that out.

  2. William

    Excellent article. Thanks for sharing your tips. I recently returned to a healthier lifestyle, including hitting the gym and eating better. Not only does it do a body good, but I feel better about myself. It’s like gaining more self-respect. I’m looking forward to seeing more posts from you.

  3. lijodi


    I appreciate the article. I have read many but just not as dedicated. But, I do have my water, plus I do spinning/cycling when my job allows me the time. I do agree that we and I mean myself as well should set aside time for exercise, I am sure we would do it for something else.

    I am not a fitness guru; however, I strongly believe in taking care of ones self. I am proud when I do my annual checks and hear my blood pressure is excellent, my cholesterol is good.

    We do not have to be a gym addict, but a littler here and there does help….. walk the stairs instead of the elevator.

  4. lenny

    txs for all that great info,,,,,,,,,do u hav any reccomendations of any sites about health and fitness for men over 50,,,,,,,,ty

  5. Guy456

    Hey great advise, two questions right now though. What are some good meatless protein alternatives and how good for you is tofu?

    • blog

      Guy456: tofu can be a good alternative if you don’t eat meat. I need meat. I don’t eat much meat, but I like seafood, cod, salmon

  6. David

    Thanks for these tips Dave. Many I have already been applying, but some are new and the reinforcement is great! It’s really important to take care of your body, while I don’t look like an underwear model, over the past three years since I started the gym, I have been gradually making improvements. It’s a slow process, but the improvements are tangible and I feel a lot better about myself, especially when I have to walk into a bar full of judgmental gay men! I will continue to try to cut out the processed foods. That’s my hardest battle.. cause I really love my chocolate and cakes. Any good recommendations for healthy, easy to get snacks to eat in between meals? I think this is where I fall down the most!

    • blog

      David : snacks, I suggest rice cakes (brown rice cakes are even better) and Quest protein bars. Try them, cookie dough is my fave

  7. Tony

    Great article, great tips. Not sure how I feel about #5. One question though: are protein bars processed foods? Can anyone recommend any which are not processed? One to was left out, though: PORTION CONTROL!!

    • blog

      tony, yes quest bars are processed, all protein bars are processed of course…
      but it’s better than eating mcdonald’s for sure.
      Quest bars have an amazing ingredient list, check them out

  8. Kyori2907

    Scott: this is not about one’s body looks. He is simply giving tips about healthier lifestyle which in turns resulting in better body shape. I workout and eat healthily for health reason, not so I can have ripped body to show off. So please stop with the negative comment.

    K: paleo diet basically based on all natural unprocessed food (meaning all your food is made only from single ingredient; anything that has multiple ingredient in it considered processed). Each and every single person has different reaction to certain type of diets, so my suggestion would be: try a particular diet for 3-6 months, watch your portions and write down all the results you have. Then start working what is best for you.

    Guy456: Tofu is one excellent source of protein for vegan/vegetarian option, but with one problem: it is well-known to promotes estrogen (which means lower testosterone). My suggestion would be try to source other protein source is you are vegan/vegetarian (a few seitan product have a soy-free option), plain greek yogurt with berries, or simply stick with whey free protein powder (one i have been consuming is Garden of Life Raw Meal that comes from concentrated plants’ protein).

    David: some suggestion for snacks in between meals would be a good and refreshing smoothies (use variety of vegetables and berries and apples; avoid other fruits since they have high natural sugar content, add some protein powder in your smoothie and/or phsyllum husk for fiber intake. Plain Greek Yogurt with fresh berries are also a good source of protein and definitely can fill you in for in-between meals. If you cook, it would be best to make something like meatloaf or seasoned chicken (preferably breast if you are looking for lean meat, otherwise dark meat is also fine), home-made cold cuts (please avoid pre-packaged and/or pre-sliced brand; i purchased my own turkey breast, simply put salt and pepper and roast them myself. Same can be done to ham and roast beef meat)


  9. Kyle

    Love how the very first response was the negativity you specifically asked not to hear about. You’re right, it isn’t just about how we look. I began working out and eating healthier because I felt like shit and was becoming borderline health wise for my DOT physical. (No I am not a trucker) once I started to loose weight and exercise it was amazing how fast the results stared to show. I felt better and my health numbers returned to a better position leaving me unconcerned about loosing my licensure…

  10. JoeyDaviddotcom

    Another point with packaged food is that it’s loaded with chemicals and other crap. You can indulge at times, and if you do eat chicken wings, do not buy them frozen section with sauce and everything, they’re loaded with sodium. Fat is one thing but one time I saw 1300mg of salt for just 3 chicken wings.

    That’s why I cook, because I know and control what’s going in my food.

  11. Me

    Honestly… I wouldn’t mind having your before body. I will be sending you a SASE so that you can mail it to me. Ever since my trainer moved to another state a few years ago, I’ve lost all motivation to work out. I’ve become “skinny fat” and have been catching a few people staring at my little pot belly. Blech. I would like to renovate my body before I get too old to enjoy my body in all of it’s semi-youthfulness.

  12. man who likes discussion

    i find it funny how you say you eat brown rice, when it has been proven to have more arsenic properties than white rice. The more you know…lol

  13. usoul7

    And for those like myself who really think water is bland,try Crystal light natural flavors 0 sugar and only 5 calories …..Great tips

  14. MistrFistr

    You don’t have to be a gym rat to be sexy. Wasting half your life in a some 24 Shvitzness is just that…a waste. But you CAN work out at least 3 times a week, EAT RIGHT, and drink water, and live better. Your sex life, either top OR bottom, WILL improve with good diet and exercise, and that’s what this whole thing’s all about. His dietary tips are really good so long as you ARE working out. Remember, walking, stair climbing and not using the car to go get the mail are the best things you can do to get your healthy routine going. Don’t go nuts at the gym; start gradually, either with a buddy or a trainer, and build up, while you tailor your dietary intake to match. You’ll feel better about yourself and will get more dates…trust me on this…well, that, and in my area of expertise, having 10½” circumference hands doesn’t hurt! LMAO

  15. John

    Great info. I’m 50 this year. Been doing many of your suggestions for the past 4 years and have lost over 60 pounds. I have arthritis in my hips and ankles so hard to do hard core workouts. Cycling and swimming are good options.

  16. Dean

    First off, I want to emphasize, for those of you concerned that exercise is for shallow people, that exercise is preventative medicine! Sure, some people may be motivated for “shallow” reasons, but the affect on the body is still the same. Exercise greatly reduces the likelihood of many diseases and can even treat/cure ailments as well. If in doubt, just ask your doctor.

    I am an ACE certified fitness professional, so it is my business and passion to know these things 😉

    Secondly, and I apologize for not taking notes (I’m laying in bed reading), but there were a few things in this article that concerns me. There were a few instances of the use of the words must/always. This is dangerous. Every body is different and must be approached individually. There is no 1 thing or way that is a must for everyone. What is ideal for some may actually harm others. One thing that stood out for me in particular is your recommendation for 1g of protein for every pound of body weight. Generally this is concidered too much. The current recommendation is 0.5 to 0.6 per pound. Does this mean that 1g/lb is going to hurt you? Generally, no, but for some it certainly can cause harm. Also, a whole gallon of water is quite excessive for many (and not enough for others).

    So, while most of these recommendations are ok, I HIGHLY recommend speaking with a professional about your own individual needs before you use any of them for yourself.

    • blog

      Dean: my recommendations are based on what I do. I workout or play volleyball 7 days a week. And water doesn’t hurt anyone. Also if you go to the gym or practice sports, the recommendations on IIFYM is 1g per lbs of body weight.

  17. Hunter0500

    Great post! My doctor, a Little All American Football Player said the whole “water water water” thing is ridiculous. He told me water is good and should be your main source of fluids, but fluids from a variety of sources are much better … realistic. Asking people to drink water water water drives most people to failure. They get sick of it. Smaller amounts of sugar, caffeine, etc. are fine. Fluids with artificial sweeteners are fine for hydration, but studies now show they are counterproductive to weight loss. Foods and beverages with artificial sweeteners are fine on rare occasions, but should be not be a regular part of your intake. Be aware of what you’re drinking and keep variety in the mix. And don’t count any drink with alcohol as hydration.

    Better health is about making better choices and taking better actions. With all the tips given here, start slow and work them into your routine.

  18. boi4dad

    DO NOT drink one gallon of water everyday, thats nuts. If you consume more water than required daily, not only will you need a restroom every 20 minutes, you will need depends by age 45 because of a stretched bladder. If your urine is clear and you havent been drinking alcohol, you are fine with 3 to 4 glasses.

    • blog

      MYFL: I get what U mean, but after gym, I need to replenish with fast carbs. If I don’t have fruits around me, I will have to take gatorade.

  19. karl

    I’ve followed a reasonable diet, avoided fats and SALT since I was a kid, and have been physically active my whole life. I’m now 51, in excellent health, and look damn good.

    I’m constantly amazed at how badly many people eat. Honestly, diet is 90% of the problem. And liquor. Massive empty calories.

    Also a HUGE second on the multivitamins. You’ll notice the difference the first week. Promise.

  20. ColoDude

    Vitamins are not needed. There is exactly zero medical literature that gives any evidence that taking vitamins helps in any end-point, whether that’s heart attack incidence, coronary artery disease, or – in this case – how buff you look. All you’re doing is paying money to the multivitamin manufacturer, and peeing out what you eat.

    Don’t take multivitamins.

    • blog

      Colodude : these are MY tips. If you don’t want to take some, don’t, I do.
      Also since I cut many things in my diet, I need to take my vitamins somewhere.I don’t drink milk for instance. I need vitamin C somewhere. I eat less fruits than I would love to, because of sugar level in fruits. etc…

  21. 1versfucker

    The first comment by Scott should be deleted based on your qualifying preamble. This is about having a healthy body, not just looks.
    If you are not motivated to make healthy choices then you are just lazy. Go grab some Doritos and play with your iphone or watch TV.

    Anything related to diet catches my attention.
    You are spot on about SUGAR, natural sources or not. Avoid all kinds. yes.
    Your info on oils is correct as well. Cold pressed OLIVE OIL is also a great testosterone supply. Many NUTS and SEEDS are good, but their oil versions are not. They are too concentrated in Omega 6.
    I am in the midst of a ‘liver rest’: no sugars, alcohol included for 3 months.
    As long as we eat a wide range of the best sourced foods we can afford then we will do well. Learn to cook. It’s a great skill.
    But I disagree about a few things:
    MULTIVITAMINS are not such a good idea: many ingredients are poor versions and some are not good for you. eg: Niacin is good. Niacinamide is not.
    In my opinion, here’s all you need in supplements:
    Cold water FISH OIL (capsules) containing wild salmon and smaller fish (anchovy, sardines, krill). MSM (sulfur) for connective tissue and joints. NOT glucosamine, condroitin etc.
    A credible B complex. Vitamin C. Zinc, selenium. That’s about it.
    Take the supplements just as you START your meal, not after. despite what you read otherwise.
    There is a lot of recent controversy about vitamin D and E supplements.
    I would AVOID: pasta, whole grains because of gluten (glue); similar for brown rice (yes); any SOY product (esp. for men); protein powders containing soy or whey are useless and even damaging.
    There are lots of YES foods:
    Well sourced variety of animal protein. The moving/working parts (legs, thighs) of animals are best (so chicken breast is ok, but not the best). Animal organs in moderate amounts. It is crucial to eat from the cruciferous family: broccolli, kale, bock choy, etc. Eat NUTS, SEEDS, beans.
    CARBS: potatoes, basmati rice, root veggies. Eat fermented (soured) foods.
    Antioxidant sources: Coffee, red wine, dark spices, cooked tomato, (a food that ‘stains’). Cooking with salt forms MSG. It will give you Alzhheimers. Add SALT at the table only.
    RAW foods are a risk for bacteria (soak them in vinegar). Most foods that are cooked appropriately will supply MORE nutrients anyways.
    You might be smart to boil your drinking water. I drink vegetable juices, teas, coffees, and water up to a combined total of a gallon a day.
    I have no interest in calorie counting. Just eat mindfully based on the best information you can source.
    Choose exercise that you like, challenges you and you get benefits. Try yoga.

    • blog

      1versfucker: you are obviously not in the same mindset as me. If we follow your guidelines, we could not eat anything…..I wouldn’t follow your infos. Brown rice is good, all athletes eats it as their first carb source, premium whey contains no lactose (i don’t eat lactose), I take a multivatamins because my doctor has 40 years of experience in health and told me to do so, etc etc…
      I think everyone has to make their research and take whatever suits them. I don’t eat lactose nor gluten because I decided to. It is very easy to find foods without these ingredients now.

  22. Michael

    I might also add, read labels. You might think that buying a premade salad is healthy, until you see that the portion size is roughly 1/4 of the package. If you eat the entire salad you have consumed 4 times the portion size. Also, check labels for sodium content. You might be surprised at the amount of sodium you consume in a day. It’s not always about the way you look. Good health starts on the inside.

  23. Grant

    Great post! I guess it can all be summed up in those 2 maxims from Michael Pollan in his book “Food Rules”: “Eat food, not too much, mostly vegetables.” & “Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”

  24. Kirt28202

    Thanks for suggesting the brown rice, I will try that. I work 2-jobs and workout 7-days a week. I use to prepare my chicken breast for an entire week, but that got old and time consuming, so I buy chicken breast in a can and rinse the packaged juice off with water and I’ve not noticed a difference in my body fat. This saves a lot of time for those that work and workout a lot. Thanks for sharing.

  25. billy from larned kansas

    I am 46. I walk and run 12.5 miles every day. EVERY DAY. I am 5’6″ tall and weigh 140#. I smoke a pack a day. I eat whatever I want including stove top popcorn at night. I do avoid (but not eliminate) red meat. I eat tuna, salmon, chicken, turkey and the occasional hamburger. Lots of veggies but only a little fruit. WALKING IS GREAT.

  26. JASON

    First off I am a vegan and in really great shape, take the time to read up on vegan athletes. Processed anything is processed garbage and that includes protein bars that are all the fad these days. The human body can only digest small amounts of protein at a time, yet the American male seems to have a fetish for protein and laugh at basic biological facts. Next take in as many raw fruits, nuts, and vegetables as possible. Grains and processed carbs such as bread should be secondary choices and in moderation. Avoid artificial sweetners at cost because while they may be low calorie they play hell on the human body. Oh and for those who think protein pars are better than McDonalds they are both processed garbage and equally as bad.

  27. JASON

    Many trainer and fitness models mean well but are following outdated advice that a modern nutritionist who is biased would dismiss as outdated information. Fitness magazines and bodybuilder magizines should be ignored because they are biased and will lie to push often dangerous products. Do a google search on why people should not be consuming whey or protein powders.

  28. Rod

    Hey Dave, I’m a personal trainer and nutritionist. Excellent article and good tips. BUT GATORADE???? SERIOUSLY???? That is a total junk product with bad sugar and very questionable flavorings. Best thing to do with that crap is dump it over the coach. Coconut water is a great alternative and a good post workout drink.

    • blog

      Rod: i take gatorade after the gym sometimes yes…. after the gym, there’a window you can pretty much eat “anything” you want, and you know that…

  29. Aaron

    I am 37 and I had some pretty crazy health issues that blew my body up to somewhere around 250lbs. After I got better-ish, I started to eat differently and go to the gym about 3-4x a week (I spend about 45 min in the gym before my energy just runs out). So far I’ve lost 50 lbs.

    If my BMR is 1798 that means my body metabolizes only 1798 calories in one day? I’m just not sure how to interpret that information. I’m guessing that if I hold to a 2000 calorie intake that’s like 300 extra calories per day that are not being taken care of?

    Right now I mostly eat fruits and crackers/cheese for snacks and then salads with chicken or rice with veggies and so on for meals. I junk out here and there when I’m craving a pizza but it’s not nearly as bad as before and I don’t eat as much portions of food when I’m junking out as I did before. I can stop after 3 pieces of pizza instead of eating the entire thing haha.

    Anyway…I like the results I’m getting but I just wanted to know if I was on the right track. Going through chemotherapy and being on meds; sometimes it makes me think I may have to do something different to get similar results as a healthy person.

  30. BearOKC69

    “And water doesn’t hurt anyone.”

    Actually too much water can be deadly…

    google it and there are many reliable sources that will attest to it.

    I learned a few years ago that most every diet plan out there stressed the common notion that you need to drink 8, 8 oz glasses of water a day, Portion control & exercise. Turns out as long as you get the equivalent of it from all of your beverage and food choices (many fruits and vegetables are high in water content), most are getting the recommended amounts. Certain things like carbonation for some reason cancel out the water content???

    As with most nutrition/health/science things keep shifting or were never true, just often repeated as fact. Thought something was bad or good for you. Just wait, someone somewhere will do a study that shows just the opposite! Or find out that there are good & bad cholesterol/fats/oils/carbs etc

  31. JASON

    I do go to the gym but I don’t lift heavy weights and at home I work on flexibility. I don’t want bulk I want lean healthy tight muscle.

  32. crankyd

    To the first poster, “Scott.”
    I’ll just come out and say what most people are probably assuming.
    You’re probably some big ol’ lard-ass that doesn’t take care of himself very well and then whines because “nobody wants me”… as you continue to chase guys that DO take care of themselves and are completely out of your league.
    And if I am wrong… I’m still not sorry because the author of this article specifically requested that people like you NOT POST with your predictable bullshit.
    Please feel free to respond when you get back from driving to Dunkin’ Donuts.

  33. Michael

    Drinking water is a great way to start and excercise is necessary…maybe start off by waling everyday at a brisk pace. Water is tricky however…we need to be drinking a water with a ph of 7.2 or better…most water (bottled) is garbage and increase your acidity…NOT GOOD. Cooking non processed food, not drinking soda and simple common sense exercise begins a healthy process. So Dave is on the right path/ trying his best and sharing. Also eat BEANS….great protein. Keep Vitamin D and C and potassium at a good balance as well. Beauty is a combination of many things. I am 58 .. 5’8 and 147 lbs. I have always been big on the above and many think I am 45….that came from effort…but what makes me really decent and appealing is that I treat people nicely regardless of my beliefs or successes….and for those that don’t want to try and keep healthy…well that’s a choice too. I believe that gay men should be supportive of one another at all times regardless…LETS BRING A TRUE SPIRIT OF LOVE to our community. As for Dave…thank you for doing your nice part and trying to help-: that is LOVE for others. Thanks again.

  34. Michael

    PS…eggs are good for you as well…and cut down on the breads if you can. If you have a sweet tooth..try a couple pieces of real chocolate….and think positive. Some people will have a model body…some never.. body shapes are as diverse as the weather. We all have something to offer. But Dave is trying to show us love…love him back…this is 2014…community needs to change it’s attitude and quit being so devisive and mean toward their own….that way they keep us down the way they want us…lets finally move up the food chain people…together. Thanks Dave for the love.

  35. Michael

    Final comment: extra virgin olive oil coats and protects the arteries….canola, soy etc are inflamatory…even try taking a tablespoon a day…it coats and protects and will help make you feel better. God Bless all!! Treat people kindly instead of like a dragon on crack and you might find life and other more appealing…that goes along with a healthy diet, etc. So many gay men out there that are miserable and there is no food or exercise to correct that. LOVE AND BE LOVED…Be nice. Thanks Dave…love back at you.

  36. David

    the book Body for Life is an excellent start and great for those at any stage to put yesterday behind you and start fresh today. this is the only body you get and you have no choice but to take care of it. Noone is knocking on your door to do it for you. It shouldn’t be a choice it should be a life style and not a luxury to destroy your perfect body When you change your mindset to “It is great to take care of Me because I am worthy of a healthy active body” Your whole outlook on life changes for the better. not going to change over night but the key is Life Style. You Matter in this world…..

  37. Tim

    I like water but it’s very hard to JUST drink waterso I also drink Gatorade but I dilute it by 50%. Still tastes great and saves money.

  38. JASON

    Tim, Gatorade is toxic crap as are other sports drink. If you can’t just drink water add a bit of fresh lemon or lime to the water.

  39. Dean

    Blog: Yes, I realize your recommendations are for what you do for yourself, which is fine. My post was meant to emphasize that everyone is different. What is literally the very best thing that you can do for YOU can be useless (and even harmful) for someone else. Do to various reasons. The amount of protein one consumes will vary based on goals. 1g/pound is often recommended for hypertrophy, but if you are not working for hypertrophy then it’s more than you need. Some research even suggests that 1g is more than necessary even for hypertrophy. Then, there’s the matter of disease/medications. Some people may be harmed by consuming that amount of protein do to complications from illness or medications that they are on.

    It must always be taken into consideration that your client may not be in perfect health, and they may not be honest/divulge that information to you because you are not their doctor or they don’t feel comfortable about doing so for whatever reason. That is why most states do not allow fitness trainers to give strict dietary guidance; we can only give general guidelines.

    If I approached a client with information the way you did in this article I’d likely get sued.

    I’m not saying you are wrong, I’m just saying you should of used more discretion in using certain words and should of placed more emphasis on the fact that these are only general “tips” and that one should always speak to a professional about their individual needs. I’m sure that is what you meant to imply, but it needs to be stated in black and white.

    Overall, I’m glad to see this article here, and I think you for posting it.

  40. Dean

    Aaron: Your BMR is an estimation of what your body will burn at rest. Basically, that is the amount of calories it takes to keep your body alive and support your current amount of mass. It is NOT all that your body will burn in a day. The more active you are, the more calories you will burn. Also, lean mass uses more calories than fat mass. So, even if your weight stays the same, but your fat mass decreases and your lean mass increases (which is a good thing) then your BMR will change. There isn’t a short/easy answer here. I would recommend talking to a fitness professional about it. If you go to a gym that offers personal training they will often give members a free assessment/consultation if requested.

    Also, your chemo/medications will certainly have an effect on what is going on in your body. I would also HIGHLY recommend talking to a registered dietitian, as they are licensed to work with people that are in your very situation. Good luck Aaron and keep up the good work!

  41. Alex

    I do like the article, but the protein amounts listed in the calculator are off. 1 gram of protein per kg (not lb) of body weight is more of the suggested intake, obviously adjust up or down depending on level of activity, building, etc.

    Bear in mind that your body only absorbs a max of 30g (usually around 20g, the higher the fat content, the slower the absorption) of protein per meal, the rest is excreted in urine.

    Protein is key to life, building mass and general health, but you have to be smart with your intake and intake per meal, otherwise you are just taxing your renal system….so don’t forget water!

    All that said, I really like Orgain Organics protein mix. It’s the best tasting vegan protein mix I have found (I think the others taste like you’re drinking a hippy) and it doesn’t have soy, gluten, dairy or GMOs. (No, I don’t work for them, just really like it) FYI many protein mixes are loaded with MSG, something to look out fore.

  42. Mike Chen

    Great tips even if weight loss isn’t your goal.

    I looked for, but failed to find a better place to suggest a topic. I would like to know more about health issues related to bottoms like scar tissues in rectum and loss of elasticity. How common? How serious? Fixes and/or options?

    My main complaint is that it seems to take more TP and time to clean up after bowel movements. Do other experience this? I have started using one squirt from my bulb before 2n round of TP.

  43. janus2005

    Mike Chen – Have you tried Kegel exercises but instead of tightening the flow of urine, you tighten the anal muscles? I have heard from a power bottom friend of mine that it helps. Considerably. As for the scar tissues inside the rectum try a proctologist. He / She may be able to suggest something. I would also suggest you look up something called “anal fissures” as well. Best of luck to you! – Janus.

  44. Steffan Darlington

    I am currently unfit . Even got a damn sugar belly. . I am wanting this to go away . I like my weight and body its sexy but this belly making my nice clothes fit wrong .. so what I see writing there . I will tey for this month n see if any changes . Also that cokes thing.. I didnt know being addicted to coco cola means that bad .. so I guess its lot of water… but do tell me can I drink any arrieated drinks..

  45. Mark

    Hi my name is Mark I have a question about what products or type of hair removal from chest and legs. I don’t have any hair on my back, but in front is some. I know this is not a fitness question, but been looking at Amazon, and saw all these products.
    Not sure what to use, and thanks for taking your time to answer me back.
    I am new at this and with guys also, and want to look hot for me and which I am already told by girls and guys I look hot

    Do I need to send you my cell Number

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