
Member Of The Week : SCIFI26


Hey guys, it’s Friday (Yay)

Last week I received this email from Jay and I decided to make him our “Member of The Week”! Check him out on A4A, his username is SCIFI26. He is also an artist, make sure to click on his page link!

Check out his message below:

“Hi name is Jay, I’m a 23 year old Puerto Rican bottom hailing from the Bronx, New York. I’ve been on A4A for about 8 months now. I’m looking for I guess my Mr.Right and hoping to find him–or maybe he’ll find me lol. I think I should be member of the week {well because my birthday is March 26th :)} because not many guys on the site understand who I am or takes the time to read my profile. Aside from attending college and majoring in Performing Arts (with a 3.9gpa and graduating next year) I am also a singer/songwriter working on my third mixtape, I’m a science fiction writer and also a poet. I’m funny, sweet, cooky at times and I enjoy the romantic stuff. I’ve been single for 4 years now and I think it’s time I find a great guy to settle down with. I am effeminate (I read the blog you wrote about effeminate guys in the gay community and I couldn’t help but agree with everything that was written in there). Some guys need to give us a chance. I want to thank you for taking time out to read this and here is my music page! ”


There are 17 comments

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  1. Adrian Xexus

    Nice! Cute guy, unique music and nice ass! I have a mic he can sing into-if he does it right he’ll get a great feedback if YA know what I mean 😉

  2. PabloSr.

    Get the fuck out of here! I know this nigga, he’s in my Communications class. I didn’t know he was on here, hmmm very interesting to know now. Thanks Dave for the heads up!

  3. Isaiah Ci

    Adrian Xexus…
    No, just no.
    Anyways, he sounds like the perfect guy! He’s adorable and I’m surprised no one has snatched him up! If he lived in Vegas I’d definitely date him

  4. TylerM86

    I saw Jay comment on the blog about effeminate guys. I looked him up and was drawn in instantly and wrote him.

    Very sweet! Funny, wonderful smile, beautiful eyes and no words good enough to describe his ass!

    Glad I’ve started to become friends with him. Someday soon he is going to make some man very happy and be an amazing husband! That guy will truly be one of the luckiest guys in the world!!

  5. Baldy

    Why is everybody talking about this kid like he’s all that and a bag of chips? I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but I have to tell ya, when I was 23 my ass was such a bubble you could bounce a quarter off it! This kid’s ass will look like a pillow case full of mashed potatoes by the time he’s 30, unless he does something to firm it up, mark my words. Harsh? Perhaps. But this is a gay hook-up site, not “Dear Abbey”. Like it or not gay men are superficial, and think with their cocks. I don’t make the rules, I just live with them. So do you all.

  6. Glamazon69

    I must admit you FINALLY chose a ‘Member of the Week’ worthy of the title-too bad it isn’t ‘Member of the Month’. This young man is amazingly generous, sweet and educated unlike any other 23 year old I came across. Of course, I was nervous to message him because he’s a bottom and so am I, but I did and he replied back! We actually spent a few conversations chatting about Edgar Allan Poe and even some Melrose Place-original version-.
    Not only is he cute but he’s creative and nothing too vulgar, his music reminds me of the good ol’ 80’s. Originality clearly runs through this young man’s blood.
    NYC men need to make sure they approach Mr. Jay with kindness because he is a rare gem within the Gay Youth. I pray he finds his Mister Right and his Mister Right BETTER treat him right as well!
    P.S @ Adrian Xexus I’m pretty sure your mic is too small for him to use anyway. xoxoxoxox Glamazon!


    Finally someone worthwhile to be member of the week.. He really seems to be a genuine nice young man. Not self absorbed like some of the previous ones…. Great choice

  8. tylerm86

    For the record “baldy” Jay is a sweet great guy. And I would puy money that when he’s 40, his ass will still be a nice, hot bubble and tight!

    He is a smart kid who will take the steps to keep it that way. And who ever he marries will be one lucky man!!

    If you didn’t take any measures to keep yourself young and tight that doesn’t mean you should try to insult Jay!

  9. Baldy

    Tylerm86…For the record, I work out regularly and at 51 years old look better than most guys half my age. As for Jay, his ass is NOT a bubble, but flat for a 23 year old. And I can tell you why too. He’s 5’8″, 180lb, 36w, and “average” build (which means he isn’t very active. You get a satchel ass like his by spending most of your day sitting down. If you think he has a nice ass then I shudder to think what you must look like Tyler. He’s still not all that and a bag of chips. The member of the week should be HOT, not an “average” out of shape 23 year old with a satchel ass.

  10. Brian "captainhooklives"

    Cute kid..very talented. .its a shame y’all are so worried about what he looks like in 20 he is now..more mature than his years and apparently gifted and talented..he’s the one that’ll be given a good life led by a good heart..go get em Jay! There is definitely a worthy man just around the corner for ya!

  11. Bottomb

    Baldy ~~

    you sound like an old hating, jealous, washed up, nobody, bum! TAKE A DAMN SEAT. JAY is fabulous and his ass is just like mine, scrumptious and beautiful. He’s latin and US latins keep our round bubble and beautiful ass foreverr. It’s actually a gift. I’m sorry for you white folks ! (not trying to sound racist) but its true. You’re obviously jealous, please sit down. Jay thank you for standing up for us fems <33 I'm glad you were member of the week! it should be month imo. ignore the old haters xo

  12. SCIFI26

    I told myself I wouldn’t check out the comments but yet here I am lol. I want to thank all the positive comments I’ve been getting on here and the amazing men who have been messaging me. It’s so amazing to communicate with people from allover the world! Did you know the U.K has the best coffee?? (I’ve been told, but I gotta check for myself soon lol)

    I had sent that message completely unaware that Dave would put it up here, I thought it would have been a blurb about me-it shocked me he put up my music link too :S. But again thanks for the positive feedback on my music-great things are coming there.

    As for ‘Baldy’, I actually walk a lot as well as do squats. Being lazy isn’t even in my DNA! I don’t aim to be some muscular guy or have a flat stomach. I like where my body is at the moment, and that’s all that matters. If you have a problem with me then so be it. Not everybody in the world will like the same people. I didn’t think though my pictures would cause a debate. PEACE AND HARMONY HERE PLEASE!

    I am thankful for the decision to make me member of the week, my purpose of applying wasn’t to have my mailbox blow up but instead it was to show that the gay community isn’t made up entirely of muscular men with six pack abs. There are guys like myself (whether fem or not) who are thick, cute, mature, driven and honest out there. The pride flag is a rainbow because we are ALL different, we are ALL unique and we are ALL looking for happiness! Gay doesn’t just mean ‘super model looking men’, it means men who are PROUD of what they look like, PROUD of who they are and PROUD to love whomever they want to love! I again thank you Dave for the opportunity, and THANK YOU to all the amazing new friends I have made allover the world!

  13. TylerM86

    Baldy. There aren’t even words to describe you. Isn’t it funny though that you attacked Jay, then when someone basically tells you to shut up. You make a jab toward them. Let’s see….maybe A4A should take a poll of you face and ass next to Jays and see how many members would rather hop into bed with him compared to you? I’d put money he’d win by a huge margin!

    Not to mention Jay is the type that deserves a guy to treat him right, take him on proper dates and make love to him……you unfortunately are the type that only gets other old queens to fuck him and head out the door after.

    Adios…..have fun at the home!

  14. Christendale

    cOngratuLatiOns SCIFI26 On being member Of the week hOpe u find yOur MR. Right sOOn !
    Advance Happy Beerday !

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