
Music : Celine Is Back


Guys, you know I’m a big fan of Celine right…

This morning as I was trying to find leaked songs from the album I found this….

Amazon Germany is presenting snippets of all Celine’s new tracks… What do you think? Love? Hate? Not sure?

I love it, but I’m already sold to Celine…but tell me about you!

So excited, going to Celine to it again….

The album is suppose to be out November 5th, check it our in your favorite music store!


There are 28 comments

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  1. Josh Elder

    I’ve always been one of those on the fence with Celine. I like some of her stuff, dislike other stuff. Either way, the bitch has got a voice.

    I really liked the snippet from #1 (sort of classic Celine)
    #5 sounds like it has potential
    #12 sounds good as well
    Glad she has a more upbeat song, #13.

    Other than that, none of the others really peaked my interest…too many “ballads” but then again this is Celine. Lol

    I like more upbeat Celine songs than the slow ones. Seems like she’s cooling it on her vocals lately, no huge notes or really high pitches like in the past.

  2. josef bottoms

    well, the diva can sing. not singing anything particularly new, but thats ok, she sure can yodel. but, at seventeen, her language skill is a little off-oddly, ‘murrrmer” ? but she will sell well.

  3. Nydude7

    Absolutely love her new CD… Thanks for sharing that! .. I have been a huge Celine fan since 1996, been to about 16 of her concerts!! She is incredible and seems to be getting better and better with time.

  4. verstop4btm

    I live out in the country and commute to work – my commute is about an hour long. . .this will be GREAT driving music!!

    I can’t wait to hear the club re-mixed versions!!

    Love and Good Sex For All,


  5. Trevor Robinson

    I thought she would never come back?? so Missed her melodic voice over the airwaves. I will absorb this new music like I have done all the rest of her numerous hit music.
    So glad to hear something new from her.

  6. Hunter0500

    A wonderful woman. A great human being. She’s had a noteworthy song our two during her decades of music and puts on a decent show. Don’t own any her music; don’t expect to.

    The photo on this post, however, makes her look like an early stages crack addict.

  7. Greg

    It’s funny that you would mention Celine Dion. I have never been a fan, but not to the point of bashing her like I see in some of the above posts. I was just listening to her song “Show Some Emotion” from her album of old. That is one of my favs by her. (Oh, and let’s not forget, Love Can Move Mountains) On this one, however, I must say that the only song that caught my attention was “Somebody Loves Somebody”. I also heard the “Overjoyed” remake, which she did with Stevie Wonder; Not bad. Celine will do fine. She’s got nothing else to prove to the industry. She’s already a legend.

  8. OnlyTellTheTruth

    @verstop4btm, agreed!! These boring songs need serious remixes and not those tired God forsaken gay circuit mixes either. I need some of my deep house mixers to work on this borefest and bring it to life.

  9. HW

    Retire? I think 44 years old is a tad bit young for that…especially considering that is around the age that the voice is at its peak. That said…Im not a big fan but she obviously can sing her ass off.

  10. Jaye Lo

    I stopped listening to music since Mariah, Whitney and Celine paused singing. Radio music today is trashy. If Celine is back on air, then, radio I’m in!

  11. rich 86

    Celine can out sing all those other females who are dominating the charts today, love her new song, the current hit at the moment newbies can’t dream of having Celine longevity and success and voice, we need great singing and music back on the radio

  12. Antar

    She doesn’t care about a chart, a remix, or a bad review
    She does this cause she enjoys giving a gift to her perennial fans.
    She is one singer who really appreciates her audience and still sounds great even though her style is currently outre

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