
Watch This : Celebrate “Gagaween” with Gaga!


Little Monsters of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange? Watch Lady Gaga in her town of Gagaween…

In this Parody Gaga (well someone that reallllllly looks like her) sings, β€œI am the Gaga hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes bleeding red. I am the Gaga hiding under your stairs, shoes like stilts and Kermits in my hair.”

Five paws up for this haunted parody on the Mother Monster, herself! Don’t be afraid, she was born this way!

Check the video and let me know your thoughts!!


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  1. Justme_27

    @Greg Burton: why must we be so negative? If you are not a fan of Gaga why bother watching something related to her. For instance I am not a fan of vagina hence i wont be watching a link that says “Watch This:Vaginas.” So take your pathetic comments elsewhere πŸ™‚
    @Braxton? Boring? Really? Can you do better?

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