
Music : “In The Dark” by DEV


This song “in The Dark” has been playing on Sirius for quite a while now, and I like it. So this morning I searched online to find the music video… to finally see who is singing it. It’s DEV. Never heard of her… Am I alone?

I have to say that the music video disappointed me a bit. I was hoping for a fresh new cute girl…. NOTTT!!

A copy-paste-wannabee-of-Lady-Gaga is what I saw in the first few seconds of the video… She is Even copying the funny hand thing that Gaga does with her monsters… Not really fresh or new at all!

Anyways check it out and let me know your thoughts!


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  1. itiswhatitis12

    Dev is a Canadian artist who has been around a while. She is different than Lady GaGa in her music… She was the chick that sang the Like a G6 Chorus which Far East Movement Sampled from one of her popular canadian songs…

  2. ever

    She’s very talented ,she will probably be competition for Gaga cuz this girl can also sing live ,its hard to compete with multi talented lady Gaga

  3. Hotrodchef

    There is a music video of her singing the song with a guiter and that one is SOOO much better. You actually get to hear her voice. πŸ™‚

  4. Nick

    I’ve been following Dev for about a year (she did Like a G6 with the cataracts, and Bass Down Low) and I thought she had her own flavor. But this video was pretty unoriginal and disappointing. Definitely agree with you.

    But you might like this video for Booty Bounce which contains the sample they used for G6.

  5. dre

    DEV is a far cry from the now over the top GAGA the girl is making her name dont compare her to someone who is already established.

  6. Kendoguy

    Actually, you have probably heard of her earlier, Dave. Cuz she is the one that give lyrics to Far East Movement’s ‘like a G6’, which was a sample from her song titled ‘booty bounce’. Also random info, she was an olympic swimmer before she changed her career path.

  7. notjakl

    shes and upcoming artist and i like here too. check out “bass down low” by her. “backseat” by the cataracs ft. her. i like them too but “in the dark” is her best πŸ˜€

  8. Sergio

    Biddy, Dev has been around the music scene for some time now. She is featured in Far East Movement’s song “Like a G6” and she has had multiple modest hits such as “Bass Down Low,” “Fireball,” and “Top of the World.” Dev has been mainly featured on other artists’ songs such as New Booyz “backseat.” It’s a shame her song “In the Dark” samples the background music from Pitbull’s “Hotel Room Service,” but that could mainly be the producers fault. Dev is not copying Mother Monster herself, it’s rather a blend of edgy rapper punk. She is definitely original; you should listen to her other songs before reducing her to a “copy-paste-wannabee.”

  9. Jay

    She is nothing like lady gaga. She relates to the younger generation by supplying fresh beats with a unexplainable genre. If you listened to “fireball,” “top of the world,” “bass down low,” “me,” and a huge number of her other songs you’ll see a pretty versatile singer. I admit she doesn’t have a strong voice but the underlying passion for music and ability to flow on some crazy beats is impressing. Gaga is about breaking boundaries, but dev is about having a good time and letting people know where she came from.

  10. Anthony

    DEV featured in “Like A G6” by East Side Movement and has another hit song entitled “Bass Down Low”. She’s not the most talented girl but whoever produces her songs is amazing. I performed Dancing In The Dark. Since she has short girl hair, no wig was necessary for me πŸ˜€ lol

  11. Sloane

    She is different from Lady GaGa in that she is not a singer. On Far East Movement’s “Like a G6” and New Boyz “Backseat” she sing-talks. Gaga is a bona fide singer, no comparison

  12. Joey

    This music video isn’t her best but i have seen her previous one called “Bass Down Low” and it is actually pretty good. You should definitely check it out Dave!

  13. carter

    Thank you! Kept hearing this song and always promising to look it up! I dont really think she is a faux gaga but there are some similarities though small

  14. str8guyherecur

    I like the song alot too and heard it only a couple of weeks ago. I have to agree with you on the music video, it doesnt fit the song!

  15. Hennessy

    Have you seen any of her other videos…nothing copy-paste about his chick. When i see and hear her music it reminds me nothing of Lady Gaga. And the “hand thing” is just a video concept. Dev is something different in my eyes… i didn’t like her at first but she grew on me and i started looking into her and her music more.

    I suggest that we stop comparing one artist to another. Art often imitate art so we have seen things from one artist that we have seen before years ago. Doesnt make them any less of a artist.

  16. Dan

    She is not at all like Gaga! I’m so tired of everyone who tries to be original being compared to Lady Gaga. People have been expressing themselves through art long before Lady Gaga, and will continue to do so long after as well.

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